Not a very Fantastic Monday i guess!
Yesterday turns to be not so kind on me...
Guess what, i nearly "kana saman!" reason sebab bawa kereta teksi without permit PSP(don't know what the exact words to that. hehe. this happen on my way to fetch my adik numbur dua last from school. xda lagi pakai seat belt tu. memang la. nasib baik sempat tarik seat belt sepantas kilat. managed to avoid that but get into another trouble.
"tengok lesen",
sambil kalam kabut mencari dalam beg laptop, " ni nah, yg tu kana renew pun mau ka?" giving with shaking hands,
" lesen PSP?"
"tiada o tuan, saya cuma tolong bapa saya mau ambil adik saya, xda ambil penumpang, perlu juga kah?"
"tapi kena berenti juga di tepi la sebab ko xda lesen PSP"
matai, saman la ni. huhu..i followed the officer to their car, dia tanya kerja apa, entah why i spontaneous jawab, saya Arkitek, kerja KL..erei....nanti kalau cakap belajar, malu. sebab tua suda...tapi harap2 la itu doa bt diri sendiri,Amin . :)
"jadi harini terpaksa la saman arkitek..hehe" said the officer. saya yang senyum xda ikhlas ni, berabis la berdoa dalam hati..tolong la.. satu ringgit lagi duit sya ni. sambil teringat duit keropok bergulung2 di poket.
after a few while , mungkin sebab sya buat muka 10 sen.. hehe.. dia kasi lepas. after jotted down my details and address, sempat lagi bah, " apa number phone ko tu,nanti sya cari ko di kl," wahaha, buli bah kalo ko. kalo sya jadi arkitek dan planner nanti, sya sain pelan ko dengan putungan harga..huhu.. thanks a Mr officer, sya xda berniat ambil penumpang. saya cuma tulung ambil adik2 saya, bapa saya jaga pekerja di rumah. kalo ko xda percaya, ko masuk la tu kurita, bertempiaran buku2 dorang, plus bau stokin. ewww...
seperti biasa, hal sama mr G pun blm siap.seperti biasa la. ada ja bah salah. ni kali sebab yuran. aishy.. susah bh ko ni gaman.
at home, i did make some mark at the toilet door.reason? wise la. siapa suruh lie. nasib baik pintu toilet ada. u saved this time. nom2 bukan mau marah. just dont want you to be so manja and xda mendengar cakap. im sorry i screamed at you. next time be nice a.
the Piano arrived today.semua orang mau pigang,,hehe
i got allergic today. sebab sya temakan sambal belacan mangkali semalam . huh.. gatal 1 badan. can't help myself to scratch it. my scratch and win.huhu
P/s: baru lepas baca blog pasal baju kawin. syok o. when la my time to feel that..huhu :) (gatal mo kawin) muahaha..
leave you with this lovely number, from a dear fb friend, Khen from LD.thanks Khen
倪安東 Anthony -The Blower's Daughter CD version
Till then,
Lots of pendo,
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