The truth about my Malaysia Merdeka
Happy 55th Independent day Malaya!
(31st August 1957 - 31st August 2012)
Happy 50th Independent day my beloved Sabah below the wind!
(31st August 1963 - 31st August 2012)
For Malaysia, your 50th birthday will only be on 16 September net month. ( don't worry, we will still celebrate you. :)
(16 September 1963 - 16 September 2012)
Happy Wedding my beloved Wan Norasliza Wan Mahmood. surely every year, you can go honeymoon on your anniversary kan. coz, its cuti. :)
first and foremost, thanks 1 Suara Sabah fanpage for your beloved info.
Sharing this post on upon my own view, i'm not a historian, nor a politician, and yet nobody, just a kampung girl that proud to be called "Sumandak Dusun mantad Sandapak" but who said, i hate Malaysia? no, i'm proud to be one, and i always be. :)
as a citizen, which is also got the qualification to vote, i also demand a better share and truth as a citizen especially for my beloved Sabah.
sounds Patriotic huh? hehe
Being a true Sabahan yet Malaysian, i have taught to respect the flag, the anthem, and memorizing Rukun Negara. With the mould of Malaysian education system, i can say i'm successful to be induced with patriotism and love towards the country.
before this, i never had much interest of how Sabah be a part of Malaysia, what i read from my text book and what published in the mass media by the Goverment is Malaya get it independent on 31st August and 16 September 1963.
" ala, apa beza dia kalau cuma sekadar tarikh, yang penting sudah merdeka bah, apa lagi mo bising"
but i tell you my fellow, this confusion really a big deal, and some people may use it as a weapon to fire the goverment. Maybe the goverment can take for granted all these things. but remember, in this modern world and with recently without ISA law, you must beware that every single thing is a weapon for any 'who' to attack the peacefulness of the country.
mungkin juga silap kita punya nenek moyang tidak cerita banyak bagitau pasal perihal kemerdekakan kita masa dulu. sebab dalam firasat saya, kesian aki2, odu2 kita sibuk bah cari makan, sebab mana durang ada masa mo duduk di kadai kupi main facebok macam kita. ada lagi mungkin yang tidak pandai membaca, jadi kalau kita kana cucuk hidung sumbat fakta yang salah pun, durang "man nopo, om terima saja."
and yet,i'm really thankful that the sharing through technology has helped us to tell the truth, and yet the details is now slowly shown. people are getting wiser, and yet more will search and dig for the truth. Anyway, just a little piece of advice from me,
Research wisely, Write wisely, Comment wisely, Sharing wisely, Act wisely, Interpret wisely.
we know, although sometime the true might hurt, we must really tell the truth. and for myself and all the wise man out there, Kadang-kadang, tidak juga kita boleh terima sesuatu maklumat tu bulat-bulat tanpa tahu kesahihan dia.
so untuk kes bila tarikh sebenar merdeka di negeri2 Malaysia ni, mungkin saya bole bagi sedikit cadangan 50sen tegeren saya,
1. Malaysia Education system ( history department) : you can start clarifying and adding the new FACT. It's ok, improvising for a better way is good bah kan. :)
example that can be write in the text books,
i. Malaya which is consists of Peninsular Malaysia get it independence on 31 August 1957.
ii. Sabah gets its independence from the British on 31 August 1963 and become a self govern COUNTRY.
iii. in 16 September 1963, Malaysia was born. Malaysia consists of the 4 states : Malaya + Sarawak + SABAH + Singapore.
but in 1965 Singapore leave Malaysia, and now Malaysia only consists of Malaya + Sarawak + SABAH .
Related article : Masukkan lebih banyak sejarah Sabah dan Sarawak- News paper review.
Related post : Various picture showing Sabahan independence facts
ya, although the number of years increasing and harder to be memorize. ( o yeh, i hate memorizing historical date!!) tapi it worth it bah!. the truth is there, clarify to all, so that people will understand.
2. Jabatan Penerangan : Through mass media, ANNOUNCE, PUBLISH relevant programme, documentary, etc about the truth of how Malaysia formed.
again, saya ingin menegaskan sekali lagi, post ini bukan ditulis untuk menjauhkan jurang antara orang Sabah and Sarawak kepada Semenanjung, tapi sekarang ni banyak sudah post yang menunjukkan orang especially di Sabah ni rasa tidak puas hati sama kerajaan Malaysia. Ada lagi yang mahu berpisah dengan semenanjung Malaysia tubuh negara sendiri. I really don't care about what party will rule actually, but as long as they doing their job wisely, concerns , responsible , and dare to take into the consideration of each and every heart of the desires and HAK sesuatu negeri , tempat dan masyrakat secara keseluruhan,it is far more enough for me. It is my biggest concern that if Sabah berpisah dari Malaysia, memang susah juga la, sedih pun ada, saya ni, rindu juga kawan-kawan saya disini, banyak juga tan taik saya sumbang bagi INDAH WATER di Shah Alam tu. ( hehe ).
What i trying to say is that, orang Sabah ni pun, tahu bah mahu berterima kasih sama apa yang selama ini yang telah kita bangunkan sama-sama kerajaan Malaysia, saya pun, hidup makan duit kerajaan, mama sama kakak kerja kerajaan, dapat subsidi bikin tabasan, dapat biasiswa, pendidikan, PTPTN untuk belajar, sama sampai sekarang MyMaster pun dapat, saya terfikir la, kalau la saya lahir di negara lain, adakah peluang seperti ini senang saya dapat.
memang kami tidak mengungkit, tapi kami mahu tahu kewujudan kami diketahui, bahawasanya Malaysia itu bukan wujud sebab PENINSULAR MALAYSIA sahaja, MALAYSIA itu adalah
OLEH ITU, apa saja BARANG BAIK kamu ada di semenanjung, kami orang SABAH, SARAWAK pun LAYAK untuk dapat. ( bilang 1 Malaysia). dan penjajahan yakni mentally and physically dan situasi diperanak-tirikan itu tidak harus wujud. kami juga harap
Remember that Sabah doesn't agreed to join Malaysia without these term and condition. 20 Perkara yang menyentuh pelbagai isu termasuk agama dan lain-lain memang sensitif, walau bagaimanapun, penafian dan penolakan sebulat-bulatnya adalah satu yang tidak wajar. perbuatan sedemikian seolah-olah menyatakan yang nenek moyang pemimpin terdahulu kita itu berfikiran sambil lewa dan tidak serius dalam mengubal 20 perkara. i believe that pemimpin terdahulu sudah melihat dan mengambil kira apa yang mereka rasa wajar untuk diambil kira untuk menjaga kepentingan pribumi Sabah. That's why it is important that the government should revise the "20 Perkara" as suggested, clarify and yet justify. jangan bermain dengan apa yang sudah dimeteraikan bersama.

Sebenarnya, kami tidak juga bah demand lebih-lebih. cukup la sekadar FAIR treatment and our legal truth being revealed. begitu juga dengan HAK yang berasal dari kami, kami wajar untuk dapat share yang SEPATUTNYA.
Another thing upon minyak Royalty .ni isu pun, lama sudah saya observe. tapi sampai sekarang, itu-itu juga cerita dia.
Related article : Gas and oil royalty
If the other state like Sarawak, Terengganu, and Kelantan dare to have they oil royalty to be revised, why we Sabahan not dare to do that. It come from our land, and we deserve much share. if they can't give us more cheaper price in gas and oil, they should also start spreading the NGV facility in Sabah.
Haiya,if Penisular got, Sabah also need to have bah!!
1. si pemimpin : yang kita pilih untuk menjaga negeri kita( yang termasuk, hak-hak kenegerian kita- 20 perkara, TANAH kita, HASIL BUMI kita), tapi MUNGKIN( saya tidak tuduh a, tapi kalau yang memang buat, bah, siapa makan cili terasa pedas la) sebab untuk kepentingan diri sendiri atau sebab takutkan SERANGAN pihak tertentu, atau mungkin sebab alasan SAYA TERPAKSA MENURUT PERINTAH, atau dorang memang tidak kisah and langsung tidak mahu atau takut untuk meminta.
For our fellow leaders, you all really need to work hard, harder than us. You bring our hopes, name and reputation. i believe the people choose you for the reason that you can be OUR REPRESENTATIVE!!
ACT NOW, not LATER, but NOW!!
please understand this,
without people supports in democratic way, the one that GOVERN has NO POWER!
yes people, you have the right. READ and SHARE a good knowledge.
selamanya kami tidak mahu di "COP" negeri terMISKIN di Malaysia. Kami ada MINYAK, dulu pun kami ada supply Balak, banyak juga bah hasil TANI kami, sama lagi, tu Hasil PELANCONGAN.
yalah bah, bukan juga kami mau berkira, kami tau juga Sharing is Caring. Tapi tidak salah bah kan kalau kamu punya share lebih sikit untuk diri kami sendiri, untuk kasi bangun negeri kami yang kamu cakap MISKIN da MUNDUR tu.
related post : confession of a doctor
Kami orang Sabah ni pun Malu juga bah kena cop orang miskin, macam semua orang Sabah ni pemalas tidak pandai cari duit. Sudalah kami kana label tinggal di pokok, pakai cawat, tiada jual baldi, tiada highway sama LRT kunun. buruk betul kami kena ejek oleh kamu. Biarlah kami merajuk begini, kecil sudah hati, tapi kami sabar lagi ni, tapi kalau sampai satu masa, kami merajuk, kami ambil keputusan bawa diri, susah sudah kamu mau pujuk. time tu la kami kasi tunjuk kamu BESTA , KOTOH!!!
for our beloved leaders, for me, this is still not yet a truly WIN-WIN situation. fikir-fikirkan lah, mungkin ada yang terlepas pandang.
Happy Merdeka Sabah, Happy Merdeka Malaya, and Happy becoming birthday Malaysia!
p/s: just my 5 sen tegeren opinion and view. if ada facts yang salah, do comment and give opinion kio. thanks. picture courtesy of Google and 1 Suara Sabah.
Proud Sumandak Sabah.
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