And the greatest gifts of all..
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What the best gift you've ever received?

Great picture of A Walrus's reaction after being presented with a fish cake for his birthday.
I don't received much solid present from my birthday recently ( 3.10.12),
except from my best buddy Noriza Majid and Khalid Kamarrudin . Noriza gave me my one and only secret birthday cake and dinner treat a few days after. and Mr Khalid a dinner treat as well. :) Thanks guys. Thank for giving "this old fellow" a great birthday treat!
I received a lot of birthday message instead which turns out to be the very best that i ever had!
The earliest came on the 12am in the morning. :). which was a great surprise.
it started to be in the early morning with call from my dady and 2 youngest brother.
followed by mumy with such a meaningful message!
Tiada yg lebih besar kegembiraan daripada mempunyai mu anak mami. SELAMAT HARI LAHIR DAN SEJUK RAHIM MAMI MENGANDUNGKAN MU 9 bulan 9 hari. Mami melahirkan mu amat mudah hingga boleh sambil bercerita2 dgn staff nurse. Mengidam ikan pelian n dadi pg beli di tamu Apin2. Lahir awal pagi 3hb okt 1986. Ada anty malia yg kasi kawan mami. Nah skrg sdh 26 tahun. Tidak sia2 ko akan jadi anak yg hebat dan wanita yg berjaya utk kemiaan TUHAN. Amen.

later my brother from Labuan, Ibing. and in the afternoon my sista, Pit poh <- which i asked for ANGPOW!!
My aunt Pauline come after, and later my bro Rodney and SIL Hazel. and i get my Happy Birthday Aunty song from my dearest Sheara Tina, and happy voices from dear Toel:)
My greatest thanks come from my friends who wished me through FB and SMS. and among all, sharing you among one of them from my Cikgu, Encik Kamal Ishak, a wonderful , great artist yet humble . Thanks Cikgu.
berlari masa
selamat hari jadi
seluruh masa di sirami
masa depan, masa kini . . .
yang abadi
elisa marie
senyum mu tersembunyi
mata mu yang berkata-kata
melihat dengan hati
teruja bila kau berlari
saat kau menari
kami menyanyi lagu puisi
gerak mu menyalut cinta
bicara risalah dunia
mencari . . .
kau sepatutnya dapat hari ini
hari bahagia...
hari jadi
anak keningau yang menjangkaui masa
fikiran mu terbuka
kau lukis segala pengalaman
kerinduan pada keindahan
elisa marie
kau yang berani
tabahkan hati
tahun depan datang lagi
selamat hari jadi
hari ini . . .
bahagia selalu selepas ini
Dear All,
Youth is a circumstance you can't do anything about. The trick is to grow up without getting old. - Frank Lloyd Wright
No words can describes my gratitude to all of your wishes. Thank you for being in every stages of my life. Without all of you, i wont be here as who i'm now.Thank you for your wonderful supports and love families, and thank you for the great friendship with all of you my friends. May God bless you and me. " A year older, a year wiser!!" Happy sweet 17th to me. hahahahaha..and yes, i'm forever young inside. :)
The greatest gifts is not the one that can be buy by money, it is the one that touch the heart and last forever.
To have all your prayers and wishes are the greatest gifts of all . Not forgetting the SALVATION plan from the CREATOR! Love you all!!

Interesting fact:
When a male penguin falls in love with a female penguin, he searches the beach to find the perfect Pebble to present to her :)
How sweet is that ♥
P/s: to Mr AB. You haven't wished me pun. and yes. i very disappointed with you. Thanks! :)
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