29 January 2013

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 
2 Timothy 4:7

After those endless 
nights, sweats and tears, drama, heartbreaks, arguments, pains, laughters, staircases, love and hates, and a lot of money guess it over for now, for a while.

29 January 2013.


“No mountain is too high because the view from the top is always worth the climb.”

To the Almighty, for the grace, wisdom and opportunity.

First of all, my gratitude goes to my advisor, Assoc. Prof. Syed Mohd Hassan Syed
Subli, for the continuous supports, motivation and constant intellectual stimulation in
completing this study. I thank you for your patience, comments, and suggestions for
making this dissertation a success. Endless gratitude also goes to the dissertation
coordinator Assoc. Prof Wan Mohamed Yusoff Abdullah for his persistent efforts to
ensure this subject goes smoothly until the completion. I personally adore both your
untiring efforts towards sharing your best knowledge in this field. May the good Lord
grant you both with good life.

Special thanks also go to  Mrs Carolyn Tay from Sabah Planning Department, MDK representatives,
Datuk Dr. Bernard S. Maraat, Mr Alexander Gumisi, Keningau District Office’
representatives’, OKK Amir Datuk Arif, Mr Virus Malitam, Mr Aliniran Nulantan @
Alinjinin, Mr Mohd Guntor Bin Ariff, and Adun N.34 Liawan Keningau , YB Datuk
Sairin Bin Hj Karno, for their willingness on spending their time in giving their
priceless opinions and help me in the data collection process. For the authors and
contributors of my references and illustrations, your sharing of knowledge is truly a
noble deed.

My biggest thank also goes to my family especially my parents, for giving me life in
the first place, the opportunity to learn and make mistake, the chances to allow this
daughter to have equal education and freedom, and unconditional supports to pursue
my interests. Without them, my dreams will only remain as dream. For my siblings
Rodney, Adela, Robson, Robbie, Rodwise and for my big Ukau Ungkiu and Gitang Damai families, thanks for your constant prayers towards my life journey. And for
those whose names are not mentioned, my fellow friends, no words can describe my
deepest gratitude for being so helpful and understanding towards completing this

Lastly, all shortcoming and errors in this paper, needless to say, are mine alone. For
my “Koningau”, the land i adore, the land I owe, this is a tribute for you


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