i was born with a thick , smooth and dark hair. thus as chemical involved with my hair routine,it become thinner and more brittle. in my hair style history i ever did;
perming.. influenced by those Korean actress. |
straightening .this was so famous back then..but as my hair is thin and my jaw is wide, this is not really suitable hairstyle for me..it worth to try then...
then later, on my later working day, i did a massive dye. thanks to GROUPON, i managed to get some treatment with cheaper price!! WALA, a more naughty ,yet sexy look.. huhu.. |
Henaa-ing ... it create younger and innocent look then . but later when i dye my hair, the hairstyle keep on mumbling as it is hard for the dye to "masuk". coz the Henna was so prominent.
i rarely did colour. the 1st time is on my 3rd sem . i remeber back then, it was super cool, as UiTM won't allowed student to come with coloured hair. miahahha. but then my hair was super damaged due to the big shock on my hair. i cut and my hair remain black till my final sem.
orange hair + fringe ( taken on my birthday 3 Oct 2011.) |
They say new hairstyle can help to create a new feeling. Oh yeah its works!!! after this ups and downs, and decide to get a new haircut just before my birthday this year.
and this year Thnaks to Groupon,
so how do i look?
source : like my new hairstyle? KATY PURYYYYYY |
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