Lentugi 1 (the late), Lentugi 2 , Tiriding

Hello there. So still write blog while people now is using vlog. Haha. I believe that’s me then.

Well, just a little update on how's life has been treating me all this while. 

Our Puppies, Born on 2/5/18 , a week before PRU 14. Contraction starts as early 2am. Just like Kurudui, Kukuyana i believe prefer the serenity and peacefulness of night. Husband has been very helpful as doulah🧖🏼‍♂️.😅

So here, the firstborn, 

 We named him Lentugi

This is lentugi

The youngest Tiriding

All Male. 😅sigh

Here there are.

But unfortunately we lost The eldest (Lentugi 1) 3 weeks later. 😩😭

Well, despite the sadness. We are now so blesed to raise the rest.

Aren’t they the cutest!! Woof! 


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