Job and Money

It sure hard to find job nowadays. sigh.

Been to numbers of interviews plus exam and not mentioning audition, and starting business trying to find luck and some money, but all turn out to be nothing. blajar tinggi-tinggi pun bukan buli pakai semua. belambak urang di luar sana yang lagi terror. Experiences rules i i'm not that beauty , young and energetic anymore. plus fat and got wrinkles.  Too many debts to pay, to many people i owe. sigh..

Alang-alang sya pigi kawin jadi housewife. Tapi mau kawin pun xda orang mau. dush.. bh yalah.. guess i gonna start blajar tanam sayur plihara ayam la ni.

* Kalo gorigitan saya pg sambung lagi blajar. kotoh.

Lots of pendo,


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