Hello there.

Basically yes, I've not been updating anything since last year. Aiyoyo.blame on DPA. So much things to update on that, maybe slowly i gonna share what I had been through in that precious 10 months.

Well, here I'm as the newbie in this PTD service . Never thought i really gonna be posted in MOFA . I am here as Penolong Pengarah Jabatan Perancangan Dasar dan Penyelarasan. Currently I'm in Unit Penyelarasan Parlimen as the seketariat.

Since fiance's viva is here,tommorrow marks the day I gonna drive alone to Parliament.  Gonna sleep super early to avoid the jam. Never though I gonna be that URBAN. Hehe.

Well, what can I say, need to adapt or die and keep running. Yee ha!!


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