The Winner takes it all

just another same old, same old. surely, banyak mau buat, house chores, house plans, Rodwise house model ( he asked for a bungalow) apa lagi kakak dia yg "Architect" wannabe ni la yg dia cari. huhu.bah2, nti nom2 buat a.. cari mood dulu..

last night just finished with "MAMMA MIA" yeh2, i know i'm Outdated..huhu. I just in love with everything musical. especially this one.

Meryl Streep - The Winner Takes it All

reminds me of someone that i wont never forget my whole life long. I'm the loser, i'm the fool,yes i know. please forgive me, will you?

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great and no
tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow."

 -- O.S. Marden


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